Thursday, May 28, 2009


Placticity can be both solid and liquid when not hot it is liquid, but when creating friction and heat it turns to a solid.When handled without heat it slips right throught your fingers like water.If the substance was on a board and you pushed your fingers through it quickly it would come up like a peel.If you pushed it slowly it would move out of the way like water.This is similar to the earths mantle because they are both placticity and a morphis solid.when hot solid, when cold heavy liquid.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

October Sky Response

October Sky is a movie that can be very educational for students in middle school and high school.It is a story about a teenager named Homer Hickam who grew up in a coal mine town.After seeing sputnik the first russian satelite he was dedicated to build his very on rocket.This would be so much better for his life, his father wanted him to be a miner but thats not what Homer had in mined.It is very dangerous in the coal mines its deep under ground and cavins and other dangerous things could happens, also you can get black lung from working in there all your life.Black lung would be from the dust you are breathing in constantly in the mines.Spudnik was not what homer was looking to build he wanted a rocket that he could launch.Three friends helped take part in the rocket building, since they werent a loud to launch rockets on town property they went to a deserted area 8 miles away from company property.When launching home made rockets people came to watch soon the whole town knew.Then supposivly they started a forest fire with the rocket and were no longer a loud to do this.Homer knowing he didnt start the fire soon started doing math to prove it.He proved he didnt start the fire with his mathematics using science like winds and the distance it would of went.Homer was now a loud to launch rockets again.Although the town did not like this rocket launching his teacher did and told him to try out the science fair and if you come first in that one there is another fair that hands out scholarships for colleges if in first.Homer tried it out and got first in the fair soon after he got first for the other and got a scholarship for a college.You would have to give some credit for the three boys and the teacher too.the boys respected Homers ideas and how to not work in the mine,and they were coopertive for were they had to go and what they had to do.Then there is the teacher were she shows empathy and keeps pushing Homer to go on and incouraging him to meet his goal.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Angelman Syndrome

Angelman syndrome was discovered in 1965 by Harry Angelman. This is a complex genetic disorder that affects the nervous system.symptoms of this disease include development delay, intellectual disability,severe speech impairment,and seizures.treatments for this disease involve physical therapy, adaptive devices to assist with balance problems,speech therapy,and anti-convulsive medications.a child can be diagnosed between the ages of six to twelve months,and should live a normal life span.people of all races can get this in 12,000 people in the u.s have this are more vulnerable to this disease if your parent has it and you inherit it from your mother.some of the things that are happening at the molecular level is that they find how small areas in chromosomes are activated or in activated.if it is turned on it does not occur, and if it is turned of or is missing it does is hard to prevent this syndrome because you usually inherit it from a parent.

Monday, March 16, 2009

DNA Extraction Lab

Hello as you may know my name is cbgbyo65 and I am going to talk about a lab that I did In class.It was a DNA extraction lab where we would Put gatorade In our mouth and then spit it out into a test tube, and then put a little bit of alchohol in the test tube and shake.This would make your DNA visible in the test tube.This is a big part of genetics which is a really big topic right now because of stemcell research, and with president obama allowing it.My opinion on this topic is Shouldnt we be worrying about the economy right now Instead of stemcell research?

Monday, March 2, 2009

cystic fibrosis response

After reading a blog about cystic fibrosis I have learned that it is a horrible disease that effects your lungs, pancreas,respiratory system, and sweat glands.people that mostly get this are caucasians and here estimation for life span is only up to 37 years old.There are treatments for this disease but no cure yet.30,000 people die of this disease in the united states alone and 70,000 in the whole world.This can be a very painful disease and is very sad that people get it.I got this information from

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Newton's Laws Of Motion

Hello I am cbgbyo65 and I will be talking about a class response that I learned in class about Newton's laws of motion.There are a couple interesting facts I learned about the laws like if there were no friction an object would keep moving forever,If and object is moving and stops an other object would keep moving which is why we always were seat belts ,and the more fource you put on an object the more accelerated it goes.These laws are used everyday and not noticed.Another source states that everyone unconsiouly knows the second law,everyone know that heavier objects require more fource to move the same distance as lighter objects.Also that every action has a equal re-action like a rocket ship the fource pushes down and the reaction is the rocket ship lifting of the ground.I got this information from absoulutly think these Laws are correct and help us understand a lot more other stuff about motion.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

New Exoplanet Found By Telescope

Hello I am cbgbyo65 and I will be talking about a social studys current event that just happened.A new planet has been discovered by a French telescope that is less then twice the size of earth.Only three plantes have been comparoble to the mass of the earth like mercury, venus, mars.This new planet might be added on to this list and was found by a French telescope that was looking for plantes that might be orbiting around stars."For the first time, we have unambiguously detected a planet that is rocky in the same sense as our own earth".This was a quote from a scientist called Malcolm Fridlum.Before I heard this quote I did not know that we did not have any planets with the same surface structure.I got this information from opionion on this new planet is not to suprised I think there is a lot more planets near us and we will find them in the near future.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

President Obama's Inauguration.

Hello I am cbgbyo65 as you may know and I am here to talk about our new president Barack Obama's inauguration that recently happened.If you dontknow what the inauguration is it is the day where the new president offcially becomes president of the United States and it is a whole big celebration with parade's.Now what I thought was very cool about the celebration was the big speech that President Barrack Obama said at the Inauguration.I tought that was a very important speech and really said a lot about what we have to do and what it will be like in the near future.Also I would like to say that the other speech's made by others who were there were also very important.So in my opinion this was a historical day in America and will always be remembered.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Is Global Warming going to hurt our forests?

Hello as you may know my name is cbgbyo65 and today I will be talking about how Global Warming might be hurting our forest's.The trees that most seem to be dying are Pine, Firs, and Hemlock's.There are many possiple reason's why this could be happening like o-zone related air pollution, long-term effect's of fire suppression, and normal forest dymatic.This has been happening most often in California with the highest death rate, and with most of those tree's being Pine.There is still not an exact reason for this event yet.I've got this information from cnn/ ,but in my opinion I would say it is from the o-zone pollution and focus on that.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Dirty snow causes early runoff in Cascades, Rockies

Hello I am cbgbyo65 giving you some information about a current event that is happening in Cascades.It seems to be that soot from pollution causes winter snow packs to warm, shrink , and warm some more.This cycle that keeps goin on sends melted snow streaming down mountains,but this is coming way to early maybe a month early.This is all coming from pollution, Global warming .The melting of snow is coming way to early.I got this information from you want my opinion do something quick before everything starts melting and major flooding happens.