Sunday, January 25, 2009

President Obama's Inauguration.

Hello I am cbgbyo65 as you may know and I am here to talk about our new president Barack Obama's inauguration that recently happened.If you dontknow what the inauguration is it is the day where the new president offcially becomes president of the United States and it is a whole big celebration with parade's.Now what I thought was very cool about the celebration was the big speech that President Barrack Obama said at the Inauguration.I tought that was a very important speech and really said a lot about what we have to do and what it will be like in the near future.Also I would like to say that the other speech's made by others who were there were also very important.So in my opinion this was a historical day in America and will always be remembered.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Is Global Warming going to hurt our forests?

Hello as you may know my name is cbgbyo65 and today I will be talking about how Global Warming might be hurting our forest's.The trees that most seem to be dying are Pine, Firs, and Hemlock's.There are many possiple reason's why this could be happening like o-zone related air pollution, long-term effect's of fire suppression, and normal forest dymatic.This has been happening most often in California with the highest death rate, and with most of those tree's being Pine.There is still not an exact reason for this event yet.I've got this information from cnn/ ,but in my opinion I would say it is from the o-zone pollution and focus on that.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Dirty snow causes early runoff in Cascades, Rockies

Hello I am cbgbyo65 giving you some information about a current event that is happening in Cascades.It seems to be that soot from pollution causes winter snow packs to warm, shrink , and warm some more.This cycle that keeps goin on sends melted snow streaming down mountains,but this is coming way to early maybe a month early.This is all coming from pollution, Global warming .The melting of snow is coming way to early.I got this information from you want my opinion do something quick before everything starts melting and major flooding happens.