Thursday, February 26, 2009

Newton's Laws Of Motion

Hello I am cbgbyo65 and I will be talking about a class response that I learned in class about Newton's laws of motion.There are a couple interesting facts I learned about the laws like if there were no friction an object would keep moving forever,If and object is moving and stops an other object would keep moving which is why we always were seat belts ,and the more fource you put on an object the more accelerated it goes.These laws are used everyday and not noticed.Another source states that everyone unconsiouly knows the second law,everyone know that heavier objects require more fource to move the same distance as lighter objects.Also that every action has a equal re-action like a rocket ship the fource pushes down and the reaction is the rocket ship lifting of the ground.I got this information from absoulutly think these Laws are correct and help us understand a lot more other stuff about motion.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

New Exoplanet Found By Telescope

Hello I am cbgbyo65 and I will be talking about a social studys current event that just happened.A new planet has been discovered by a French telescope that is less then twice the size of earth.Only three plantes have been comparoble to the mass of the earth like mercury, venus, mars.This new planet might be added on to this list and was found by a French telescope that was looking for plantes that might be orbiting around stars."For the first time, we have unambiguously detected a planet that is rocky in the same sense as our own earth".This was a quote from a scientist called Malcolm Fridlum.Before I heard this quote I did not know that we did not have any planets with the same surface structure.I got this information from opionion on this new planet is not to suprised I think there is a lot more planets near us and we will find them in the near future.